
Water from you

will quickly fill

my deserted soul,

which withers, until

it meets with my eyes

and, reaching their rim,

gives ocular proof

of a tropic within.

”Patrick Lee Miller


Black is no color

and all of them.

White is all colors

and none of them.

So it’s simply

a matter of reflection

and absorption, prism

and paper, prison

and sentence.

”Gilbert Allen


Killing Time

Matthew Rose

On October 29, 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre delivered his lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism,” a declaration of independence…

Why Women Cannot Be Deacons

James Keating

Much has recently been written about the possibility of the Church sacramentally ordaining women to the diaconate.…

What Protestants Get Wrong About the Epistle to the Hebrews

Peter J. Leithart

The Epistle to the Hebrews proclaims the superiority of the new to the old, the second to…