Volume 296

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Jurisprudence Hadley Arkes, echoing themes he has developed for many years in his work, offers a forceful…

Catholicism Made Me Protestant

Onsi A. Kamel

Like all accounts of God’s faithfulness, mine begins with a genealogy. In the late seventeenth century, my…

Spirituality of the Suburbs

Julia Yost

Obituaries for Toni Morrison, who died on August 5, remember her as a Nobel Prize–winning novelist, a…

Two False Newmans

Matthew Schmitz

On October 13, Pope Francis will declare John Henry Newman a saint. Catholics from around the world…

Statesmen and Technocrats

Shalom Carmy

Proportional representation used to be blamed for the collapse of the Weimar Republic: Too much fragmentation crippled…


The Virtue of Prudence

R. R. Reno

In The Four Cardinal Virtues, Josef Pieper writes, “That is prudent which is in keeping with reality.”…

This Catholic Moment

George Weigel

The current crisis in the global Church is not the worst crisis in Catholic history, but it…

The New American Right

Sohrab Ahmari

What, exactly, do you want?” Liberal critics put the question to the post-fusionist American right in various…

The Outsider

Matthew F. Rose

I want to read something to you. I want you to really listen to this.” Rush Limbaugh…

Christian Universalism and the Nation

R. R. Reno

Proposition #1: The Church is the agent of Christian universalism. Christianity requires no specific political form. It…

Goodbye to “So What?”

Mary Eberstadt

The case for American nationalism is clear. The United States is the most diverse nation on earth.…

Embarrassed by Our Nations

Joshua Mitchell

Among conservatives today there is an emerging confidence about the nation. But it remains a timid confidence,…

Nationalism, Conservatism, and the E.U.

​Ryszard Legutko

Whether we really have been observing a resurgence of nationalism in Europe is not at all clear.…


Harrowing Hart on Hell

Douglas Farrow

That All Shall Be Saved:Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvationby david bentley hart yale, 232 pages, $26 David…

FDR’s Faith

Conrad Black

A Christian and a Democrat: A Religious Biography of Franklin D. Rooseveltby john f. woolverton and james…

Liberalism as Luxury

Ramona Tausz

A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalismby adam gopnik basic, 272 pages, $28 Adam Gopnik…



Paul Mariani

A Saturday night, late February. Eileen and mein the back of the cramped car, Julie driving,Bruce riding…

A Distant Purple

Paul Mariani

Mid-September, dear woman, and the monarchlights once more upon the purple panopliedbutterfly bush in the now-decaying garden,as…

Deer Appear

Jeffrey Bilbro

Early in the morning deer appearout of the dark, a flicker of eyes.They allow me to get…

But What of Us?

Joseph Mirra

The saints are quick to give their hearts awayAt every gentle prodding from above,And bear the scars…