Volume 256

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Transgender Delusion

Richard Corradi

Human nature does not change. Despite our postmodern sophistication and our wishful thinking about perfectibility, our nature…

Mother Church or Uncle Sam

Kevin D. Roberts

Wyoming ­Catholic College, of which I serve as ­president, recently ­determined that it has a duty to…



no discipline I am writing to express my shock and disappointment at the profanity in the article…

Deutsche Kirche, Inc.

Hans Feichtinger

In the run-up to this fall’s Synod on the Family, we’ve been hearing a lot from the…

Saint Origen

David Bentley Hart

A month or so ago I found myself hovering at the edges of a long, rambling, repetitive intra-Orthodox…


The Wreckage of Obergefell

Michael Stokes Paulsen

Every generation, it seems, has its paradigm-defining Supreme Court case: a decision (or series of decisions) that…

False Freedom

R. R. Reno

The majority opinion in Obergefell, written by Justice Kennedy, opens with a grand claim about the nature…

Evangelicals Won’t Cave

Russell D. Moore

Could the next Billy Graham be a married lesbian? In the year 2045, will Focus on the…

Through African Eyes

John A. Azumah

As an African and an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana teaching at a seminary…

Newman for Protestants

Carl R. Trueman

I discovered John Henry Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua on a rainy morning in Cambridge in 1994. I…


Theology’s Umpire

Kathryn Tanner

Decreation: The Last Things of All Creatures by paul griffiths baylor, 408 pages, $69.95 T here is…

American Heraclitus

Randy Boyagoda

The Life of Saul Bellow: To Fame and Fortune, 1915–1964 by zachary leader knopf, 832 pages, $40…

Holy Warriors

Gabriel Said Reynolds

In God’s Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire by robert g. hoyland…

The Consolation of Philology

Michael C. Legaspi

Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities by james turner princeton, 576 pages, $35 She appeared…

Solving the Poor

Amy L. Wax

Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by robert d. putnam simon & schuster, 400 pages, $28…


Rules for Being an Altar Boy at Saint John Vianney Parish for the Liturgical Year 1964

Brian Doyle

If you have to sneeze on the altar do so quietly and turn Your head away from…


Wendy Sloan

We mark the days that tell us who we are, staccato days that give our lives their…