October 2000
How Intelligent Is Intelligent Design?
How Intelligent Is Intelligent Design? Stephen C. Meyer’s article “DNA and Other Designs” (April) captures the heart…
Grim Tales
For the past two years, I have been the head “Library Mommy” at my daughter’s private nursery…
Sacred Fanfares
The international broadcast of the opening of Scotland’s new parliament in July 1999 gave the world more…
A Premature Postmodern
Few would dispute, although some regret, the fact that the single most influential voice in twentieth“century Protestant…
Whistling Dixie
Judging from the public face it presented at its convention in Philadelphia in early August, the Republican…
The Liberated Lost
The Public Square The idea that religion is the heart of culture and culture is the form…
Briefly Noted 26
Religion and the Rise of Historicism: W. M. L. de Wette, Jacob Burckhardt, and the Theological Origins…
An American Bible
Readers of popular evangelical magazines could plausibly conclude that the historic Protestant conception of the authority and…
Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism: A Primer for Suspicious Protestants
This book is at once a protest and a lamentation against what might be called the tradition…
Hitler, the War, and the Pope
Amid the flood of tributes to Pope Pius XII following his death on October 9, 1958, those…
A Darwinian Left: Politics, Evolution, and Cooperation
Back when E. O. Wilson first promoted his newly hatched theory of sociobiology, protesters doused him with…
Trinity and Truth
There is a danger in reviewing books written by theologians one knows, respects, and argues with on…
A part of us is always praying for those things the other parts don’t know that they…