November 2002
Ethics Without God
J. Budziszewski’s article “The Second Tablet Project” (June/July) is the clearest, most cogent brief examination I have…
No End in Sight
Only two more Left Behind books to go and we’ll finally know how the world ends. I…
How Not To Overturn Roe v. Wade
An aside in Justice Antonin Scalia’s recent article, “God’s Justice and Ours” ( FT , May), provides…
Terrorists Behind Bars
It is a telling—and alarming—sign that following September 11, 2001 the two failed terror attacks involved people…
Another Islam
Beginning in the thirteenth century, the three monotheistic religions parted ways, with the Jewish and Christian world…
Teachers’ Guilt
In the middle of the fall semester, I find myself thinking back to the end of another…
Fatherhood, 2002
I’m a new man. I’ve just slept through the night for the first time in weeks because…
Feeling Moral
Luke! Trust your feelings!” As we know, Luke does what he is told, and the galaxy is…
The Implosion of American Federalism
Next to the exponential growth of government itself, the most noteworthy feature of American political institutions in…
Aliens in America: The Strange Truth about Our Souls
Conservatives face a daunting challenge today. On the most pressing moral issues confronting the country—many of them…
Briefly Noted 47
Angels of Death: Exploring the Euthanasia Underground. By Roger S. Magnusson. Yale University Press. 306 pp. $35.…
The Case Against Assisted Suicide: For the Right to End-of-Life Care
The ongoing public debate over the legalization of assisted suicide draws participants whose primary concern is not…
A New Kind of Science
One should hesitate to review a book that threatens pulling a muscle just by lifting it. Apart…