Volume 117

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Violence and the Defense of Life


Alas, First Things seems intent on remaining merely a scholarly magazine hovering above the fray on the…

Capital and Other Punishments

Gilbert Meilaender

Events of recent months”in particular, the execution of Timothy McVeigh and, just prior to it, public airing…

Darwin and the Descent of Morality

Benjamin Wiker

An important part of the current controversy over the theoretical status of evolutionary theory concerns its moral…

Memento Mortimer

Ralph McInerny

Many years ago Mortimer Adler took me to lunch at Antoine’s in New Orleans and introduced me…

Going to Pot?

Damon Linker

It is safe to say that at some point in the not-too-distant future, America will confront the…

Pilgrim Meets Compassionate

J. Budziszewski

(with apologies to John Bunyan) Idreamed that when Amoralist saw that he could neither make Pilgrim turn…


Does God Suffer?

Thomas G. Weinandy

Some readers may think this an odd article to be published by “a journal of religion and…

“Salvation Is from the Jews”

Richard John Neuhaus

The Samaritan woman said, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshipped on this…

September 11–Before and After

Richard John Neuhaus

The Public Square September 11. This is written the day after, just under the deadline for this…


Stanley Fish’s Milton

Edward T. Oakes

How Milton Worksby stanley fishharvard university press, 616 pages, $35. Stanley Fish zooms across the firmament of…

Quality with Soul and Religion on Campus

Naomi Schaefer Riley

The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops have recently approved procedures for certifying that theologians teaching Catholic theology at…

Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World

Damon Linker

America’s culture war is not about culture. It is about religion”Christianity, in particular”and its role in the…

Handbook of Religion and Health

Paul R. McHugh

The tradition of the scientific handbook as a concise, accessible source of validated information emerged in the…

Briefly Noted 37


Dante. By R. W. B. Lewis. Viking. 205 pp. $19.95Dante: A Life in Works. By Robert Hollander.…

Transgressing the Bounds: Subversive Enterprises Among the Puritan Elite in Massachusetts, 1630-1692

George McKenna

Historian Perry Miller began his monumental reexamination of American Puritan thought with Orthodoxy in Massachusetts (1933). In…

The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Man

Stephen M. Barr

Jeffrey Satinover has written an audacious book. He believes that he has found, in two great breakthrough…




Small persimmons, squashed and tangy sweet Among dried leaves, in chill vanilla air, Arrest us on our…