Volume 273

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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​Stardust to Stardust

Matthew Walther

I’m at the corner of Broadway and West 73rd Street trying to decide whether the security guard…

Look at Their Democracy

Shalom Carmy

In the three centuries since the prince-elector of Hanover became George I of Great Britain, few power…

A Disunited Methodist Church

Paul T. Stallsworth

Just as the Roman Catholic Church was shaped, in part, by the culture of the Empire, so…

Michael Novak by the Sea

Mary Eberstadt

Once upon a time there was a lion . . . and the lion had a voice…



Forgiveness I was especially pleased to find Bishop Robert Barron’s article (“Forgiving Dylann Roof”) in the March…


Return of the Strong Gods

R. R. Reno

A young writer in Australia recently sent me an essay that ended with an arresting sentence: “I…

The Moral Turn

Hadley Arkes

For some conservatives, bracing themselves on the night of the election, the evening offered nothing less than…

Restraining Populism

Samuel Moyn

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wrote Donald Trump a public letter the day after his election. “Germany and…

​Benedict Option

R. R. Reno

There’s something very right about Rod Dreher’s call to action in The Benedict Option: A Strategy for…

The Tragedy of the Republic

Pierre Manent

We French have for some years been overcome by a furor for republicanism and for citizenship. There…


MacIntyre Against Morality

John Haldane

Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrativeby alasdair macintyrecambridge, 332…

Self-Evident, Not Obvious

Gilbert Meilaender

C. S. Lewis on Politics and the Natural Lawby justin buckley dyer and micah j. watsoncambridge, 170…

Empson in the East

David Bentley Hart

The Face of the Buddhaby william empsonedited by rupert arrowsmithoxford, 208 pages, $49.95 William Empson (1906–1984) was…

Disincarnate Christ

Gabriel Torretta

Silenceby shūsaku endōforeword by martin scorsesepicador, 256 pages, $16 Silence a film directed by martin scorsese paramount,…



Amit Majmudar

A turkey, turnkey, turncoat, dovecote, dovewaddles and wavers and wings her way above,metempsychoses, metamorphosescrossing horizons, orisons, seasons,…

My Father’s Father’s Body

Stephen Kampa

My grandpa built a go-cart out of junk:An old lawnmower engine, scraps of metal, A cupboard door,…


Mary-Patrice Woehling

The Lord God, the Almighty, simply said,“Do not eat any fruit from this tree. ItMay taste delicious,…