May 2014

Anglicanism on Its Knees
The Anglican Communion has nearly eighty-five million members spread around the globe. Until the mid-twentieth century, these…
It’s the Culture
What happens to a culture shaped by the Bible, if the culture ceases to believe that the…
The Great War Revisited
In 1936, the British writer Rebecca West stood on the balcony of Sarajevo’s town hall and said…
In-Churching Russia
On the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Orthodox Churchhad 50,000 parishes, a thousand men’s and women’s…
Rewriting Nature’s Laws
Rewriting Nature’s Law In February, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed Senate Bill 1062, a piece of legislation…
Gods and Gopniks
Journalism is the art of translating abysmal ignorance intoexecrable prose. At least, that is its purest and…
We Can’t Be Silent
In 1787, at the age of eighty-one, Benjamin Franklin addressed the Constitutional Convention: “I have lived, Sir,…
Invisibly Naked
Will you uncover your hair?” they ask when they hear I’m divorcing. I am taken aback each…
Food Fight R. R. Reno’s response to my “pushback” shows that he is notconvinced of the gravity…
Briefly Noted
Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for Americaby ilan bermanregnery, 256 pages, $27.95 This…
Mechanical Morals
Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Themby joshua greenepenguin, 432 pages, $29.95 Joshua…
Scriptural Splinters
The Childhood of Jesusby j. m. coetzeeviking, 288 pages, $26.95 Awarded the Nobel Prize in 2003, South…
Traditional Troubles
Vincent of Lérins and the Development of Christian Doctrineby thomas g. guarinobaker, 192 pages, $26.99 The language…
Mormon Catholicism
Mormon Christianity: What Other Christians Can Learn from the Latter-day Saintsby stephen h. webboxford, 232 pages, $27.95…
The Nietzsche of Recanati
Zibaldoneby giacomo leoparditranslated by kathleen baldwin, richard dixon, david gibbons, ann goldstein, gerard slowey, martin thom, and…
Paper Town
The fictional town of Agloe, New York, was invented as a copyright trap by cartographers to help…
Road to Emmaus
After his funeral, which of the elevenopted to find and mend their rotten netsand fish? And what…
The Plastic Eater
Back to the hospital again,on the meals list, on the drip,in for yet another stayover an artificial…
Beauty’s a womanwith a triple nose-piercingin a battered Chevy pick-up. Outside Family Dollarshe waits while her 18-year-old…
First Latin Mass
Under their trapdoor brass lid buried flushIn marble lay the notes: a shallow tombOf keys that Lazarus-like…
To Hazel on Her 70th Birthday
Why not call the sun the moon?nOr call coffee tea?nWhy not call a cat a dognOr a…
Te Absolvo
Of course we remember everything that ever happened to us.Sure we do. We can easily make a…