Volume 233

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Fighting Eugenics In “My Brittle Bones” (March), Philip C. Burcham makes the excellent point that decisions related…

Bullets and Beatitudes

Antonio Anderson

Antonia and Antonio. They lived in the same barrio; both were members of Our Lady of Refuge…

Lost Legion of Decency

Brad Miner

Their annual conferences have passed resolutions. Their clergy have lobbied for censorship bills. Their journals have crusaded.…

Not Duffers, Won’t Drown

Sally Thomas

These stories are all about unsupervised children,” my oldest daughter observed years ago, when we were reading…

Nature Loves to Hide

David Bentley Hart

Two issues back, I spoke ill of a modern form of natural law theory that unsuccessfully attempts…


Lena Dunham’s Inviolable Self

Alan Jacobs

In an episode from the first season of HBO’s series Girls, Hannah Horvath—played by the show’s creator…

The Crisis of Conservative Judaism

Edward S. Shapiro

The institutions of Conservative Judaism—its synagogues, its summer camps, its youth organizations, its sisterhoods and men’s organizations,…

Rahner the Restorationist

R. R. Reno

Karl Rahner was once the figure to be reckoned with. When, at the very outset of the…

Medicinal Murder

Wesley J. Smith

The forty-five-year-old twin brothers had not contracted a terminal illness. Nor were Marc and Eddy Verbessem in…


Cronyism’s Charms

Helen Rittelmeyer

Against Fairness by Stephen T. Asma Chicago, 224 pages, $22.50 Stephen Asma buries in the endnotes of…

Briefly Noted


Menachem Begin: A Life by Avi Shilon translated by Danielle Zilberberg and Yoram Sharett Yale, 584 pages,…

Halakhic Poetry

Alex Ozar

Majesty and Humility: The Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik by Reuven Ziegler Urim, 424 pages, $34.95…

Unmythical Martyrs

Ephraim Radner

The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom by candida moss HarperOne, 320…

Modern Conceit

William T. Cavanaugh

Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept by Brent Nongbri Yale, 288 pages, $35 In Before…

The Dumb Ox and the Orthodox

Andrew Louth

Orthodox Readings of Aquinas by Marcus Plested Oxford, 272 pages, $99 The Greeks never had any interest…


Almost a Franciscan

Timothy Murphy

A long walk up the mountain from Assisi— my boot heel severed from my right foot Redwing,…