Volume 211

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Conservative Liberalism or Liberal Conservatism? I am grateful to James Kalb for his thoughtful and respectful engagement…

Real Death, Real Dignity

David Mills

He was a dignified man suffering all the embarrassing ways a hospice deals with the body’s failure…


RJN and First Things

James Nuechterlein

This issue marks the beginning of First Things ’ twenty-second year of publication, and every new publishing…

Reading the Bible with the Reformers

Timothy George

For the reformers the Bible was a treasure trove of divine wisdom to be heard, read, marked,…

Thomas Merton and Confucianism

Wm. Theodore de Bary

I’m not sure when I first met Tom Merton. It was probably in the middle of my…

Newman’s Ideal University

Edward T. Oakes

Imagine you’ve just read Plato’s Republic and then—conscientious citizen that you’ve now become—you enter a Chicago voting…

Whig History at Eighty

Wilfred M. McClay

It is odd that in the many recent discussions about what it might mean to pursue a…

Blurring Sexual Boundaries

Douglas Farrow

The definition of gender-related discrimination and of “hate crimes” is becoming ever more imaginative on both sides…

The Dialectic and the Double Helix

Thomas Albert Howard

While a graduate student in history in the 1990s, I once asked a German friend what she…


Paradoxical Portraits

Paul J. Contino

Blessed and Beautiful: Picturing the Saints by Robert Kiely Yale, 288 pages, $40 n What I discovered,”…

Can We Know What We Know?

David P. Goldman

Mathematics and Religion: Our Languages of Sign and Symbol by Javier Leach Templeton, 188 pages, $19.95 n…

The Business of Medicine

Gilbert Meilaender

White Coat, Black Hat:Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine by carl elliott beacon, 213 pages, $21.95…

Giving Caesar His Due

Robert Louis Wilken

Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom by peter leithart ivp academic,…

Whooshing Through Life

David Bentley Hart

All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age by hubert dreyfus…


Late Night

Robert Pack

Late orange light reflected from the lake Leaps up into the mountain’s shade, And suddenly a crouching…

At Stake

Paul Lake

Brave luminaries, Jan Hus and William Tyndale, Were made to glow like scrolling leaves on Kindle, Snuffed…

Dear Juan de la Cruz

Gail White

I gave my class your “dark night” poem to read, not telling them who wrote it. They…


Michael Heffernan

If you don’t have it in your own backyard, go find it somewhere else. Outings are good…

Govett’s Leap

Stephen Edgar

Looking across to Bridal Veil Falls, You feel your weight’s Free will against the fence Urging you…

Drought Breaker

Duane K. Caylor

Two years of drought seem broken by a deluge that would be the wrath of God were…


Samuel Menashe

Open your mouth To feed that flesh Your teeth have bled Tongue us out Bone by bone…