Volume 124

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Lutherans and Homosexuality


I am moved to respond to the opinion piece by Professor Robert Benne (“ Reinventing Sexual Ethics,”…

The Case for “Discrimination”

Ronald J. Sider

I’m a long-time Democrat. In 1972, I organized a group called “Evangelicals for McGovern/Shriver” and helped McGovern…

Jihad and Just War

James Turner Johnson

In February 1998, long before the September 11 terrorist attacks on America, Osama bin Laden and four…

Films of the Spirit

Austin W. Bramwell

It is a truth seldom acknowledged that the most delightful art is also the most didactic. Jane…

The Antipolitical Temptation

Damon Linker

Nothing is more human than discontent with the human condition. And few aspects of human life inspire…

The Very American Stanley Hauerwas

Stephen H. Webb

David Tracy was my advisor at the University of Chicago Divinity School at the time he was…


The Body and the Blood: The Holy Land’s Christians at the Turn of a New Millennium, A Reporter’s Journey

Habib C. Malik

Travel literature presents the reader with singular challenges, foremost among them the need to discern the limitations…

Briefly Noted 44


Catholics and Jews in Twentieth-Century America. By Egal Feldman. University of Illinois Press. 323 pp. $34.95. The…

The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity

David Martin

Contemporary Christianity has shifted south, and its preponderant weight has gone pear-shaped, which is the gist of…

Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos

John J. Reilly

Robert Kaplan has spent the past twenty years reporting on local collapses of civilization, chiefly in sub-Saharan…

The Old Religion in a New World: The History of North American Christianity

Philip Gleason

Historians of American religion have been congratulating themselves of late on the booming state of scholarship in…

Medieval Children

Charlotte Allen

Nicholas Orme, a professor of history at Exeter University in Great Britain, has published more than a…




Like the weary sailor, the refugee from wreck and storm, who escapes half-dead, and then, in terror,…