Volume 114

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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The Challenges of Ecumenism


As an ELCA Lutheran I share James Nuechterlein’s concerns in his “ Ecumenical Conundrums ” (March). I’m…

Anthropic Coincidences

Stephen M. Barr

How important is the human race in the scheme of things? According to the Epistle to Diognetus,…

The Blight of Cultural Rights

Michael Linton

Last December, soon after the Supreme Court had pulled the chain on Florida’s chad fest, Bill Ivey,…

The Stupid Party

James Nuechterlein

One of the reasons intelligent young people are drawn disproportionately to the left in politics is that…

Politics at Prayer

Peter J. Leithart

Liturgy and politics don’t mix. For two things to mix, they have to be separable; liturgy and…


States’ Rights and the Union: Imperium in Imperio, 1776–1876

Paul O. Carrese

Forrest McDonald, the Distinguished Research Professor of History at the University of Alabama, writes that “the most…

Law Without Values: The Life, Work, and Legacy of Justice Holmes

Phillip E. Johnson

The great Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. penned a host of memorable aphorisms that summarize his legal…

Briefly Noted 34


Examining the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Edited by Anthony J. Cernera and Oliver J. Morgan. Sacred Heart University…

Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century

J. Budziszewski

Jonathan Glover is stirred and troubled by the atrocities of the twentieth century, and wants to know…

Thinking Through Vatican II

George Weigel

History of Vatican II: The Mature Council-The Formation of the Council’s Identity – First Period and Intersession,…

A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Elliott Abrams

Mary Ann Glendon’s latest project is in its way far more ambitious than her previous books about…

Fighting Poverty with Virtue: Moral Reform and America’s Urban Poor, 1825–2000

Keith Pavlischek

In the introduction to this book Joel Schwartz calls our attention to the titles of two major…




My wife framed a poster decades ago, Take time ”picture of a daddy holding a kid. So…