Volume 229

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Conversion Many thanks for publishing David Novak’s learned and perceptive essay “The Jewish Mission” (November), which takes…

Roe’s Pro-Life Legacy

Jon A. Shields

Roe v. Wade did far more than create a constitutional right to abortion—it crippled the pro-choice and…

Augustine in the Dust

David Alexander

Sergeant Dwayne Miller’s breath came quick and his jaw clenched as he began relating a story to…

The Anxious Parent

David Mills

The trampoline, that upset them. We bought one of the big round ones for our eldest’s sixteenth…

The Long March Ahead

David Bentley Hart

I rarely talk politics, not because I have none, but because mine are too eccentric to appeal…


Against Great Books

Patrick J. Deneen

For many years, traditionalist thinkers have promoted the teaching of a set of core texts—the “great books”—as…

Jung’s Therapeutic Gnosticism

David Bentley Hart

For the better part of a century, Carl Jung and (later) his estate kept the manuscript of…

What are Children For?

Paige Hochschild

Friedrich Engels was a prophet of marriage in the modern age. Monogamous marriage, he declared in The…

Witness Unto Death

Peter J. Leithart

Many were scarred from beatings and floggings. Several were missing eyes, others their arms. Paul of Neo-Caesarea’s…

The Future of Marriage

R. R. Reno

Last summer, billionaire hedge fund manager and major Republican donor Paul Singer put up $1 million to…


Man the Mystery

Stephen M. Barr

From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human Origins in the Light of Creation and Evolution by Brendan…

Market Morals

Edward Skidelsky

Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy by Robert A. Sirico Regnery, 256…

Utility’s Deceptions

Peter Wicks

Peter Singer and Christian Ethics: Beyond Polarization by charles c. camosy cambridge, 284 pages, $29.99 Peter Singer…

Jacob and Esau

Nicholas J. Healy Jr.

From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews, 1933–1965 by John Connelly Harvard,…

False Neutrality

James R. Rogers

It’s Even Worse than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of…

America’s Crusades

James Nuechterlein

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy by Andrew Preston Knopf,…

Briefly Noted


Will Many Be Saved? What Vatican II Actually Teaches and Its Implications for the New Evangelization by…


Cowboys in Winter

Burt Myers

The Sons of Katie Elder make such noise! Dad’s fast asleep, despite his three grandsons waving their…

Japanese Maple in January

A. M. Juster

All spring she brushed aside my arguments that it was cheaper and would make more sense to…

Astronomical Aubade

Timothy Steele

I looked for it, low in the east, Where it was scheduled to appear. Good sightings of…

Three Prayers

Timothy Murphy

I rarely pray to Christ. His sacrifice was so perfect, it’s far beyond my ken. I’m one…

Winter Wind

Mark S. Bauer

Leaf-laden lately, beech limbs once reached the ground, swaying. Lightened now, choreic, bare, they twitch. An abandoned…

Maps, Flowers, Leaves and Weeds

Bob Gaskin

They trade these old books with scarce a flip, Some autographed, some lovingly signed. Most have been…

At the Church of the Nativity

Bryce A. Taylor

Upstanding persons surely find it odd, The way these pilgrims crawl to Bethlehem. How baffling is the…