February 2018
Briefly Noted
The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Lawedited by wilfried hartmann and kenneth penningtoncatholic university…
Eight Theses on Sex
First, sex is searching for God. I purposely put this thesis up front, as number one. Sex…
Phenomenology of the Hand
If you teach high school or college students, or have kids who are passing through those places,…
Taylor Swift, Nazi Barbie?
January is Taylor Swift month in the Green household. If, like me, you have three young daughters,…
Pain, World, God
The frequency of my headaches has dropped to one every six weeks or so. (I never say…
How Much Dreiser Does a Man Need?
Theodore Dreiser is ranked among our great authors; he was a syllabus mainstay for as polished a…
DEADLY DESERTS Paul Griffiths’s sneering review of our book, By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed (“Against…
The Metaphysics of Democracy
Dear Readers, This version of “The Metaphysics of Democracy” differs from the version that was published in…
Virtuous Evildoers
At the end of Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius, the conspirators who had assassinated Caesar,…
McAuley Beyond Despair
James McAuley had a gift for overcoming first impressions. Manning Clark, the future doyen of Australian historians,…
No Patrimony
The age-old distinction between schoolchildren and university students is fast losing its meaning. On many campuses, the…
Chatterley on Trial
Lady Chatterley’s Loverby d. h. lawrencemacmillan, 432 pages, $12.99 Six weeks after a London criminal court permitted…
A Moderate Proposal
Faces of Moderation: The Art of Balance in an Age of Extremesby aurelian craiutupenn, 304 pages, $59.95…
Pagan Horror
Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reichby eric kurlanderyale, 448 pages, $35 That Hitler and…
Non Possumus
Kidnapped by the Vatican? The Unpublished Memoirs of Edgardo Mortaraby vittorio messoriignatius, 190 pages, $17.95 At nightfall on…
Saint and Scribe
Lessons in Hope: My Unexpected Life with St. John Paul IIby george weigelbasic, 368 pages, $32 Czesław…
In India the housewives kill themselves:a crop of twenty thousand every year.Some eat narcotics off their medicine…
To a Decorative Dwarf in the Garbage
Perhaps you’ll find a home in some back yardBeneath a poplar, or beside an ash;How could those…
“I only desire to find out knowledge . . . which may instruct me how to die…
To a Certain Controversial Public Personality
Insulting social conventionHas been your stock in trade,But I doubt you’ll be forgivenThe scandal you’ve now made.…
Walking on water, i.e., in the streets of Venice,I read its history in churches—Gothic,Baroque and Neoclassical, one…