Volume 120

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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February Letters 40


In a Time of War: An Exchange

The Editors Stanley Hauerwas

In their editorial “In a Time of War” (December 2001), the Editors of First Things declare: “One…

The Mess That Is Marriage

Gilbert Meilaender

I had occasion recently to ponder the service folder from a wedding. In many respects this wedding…

The Body’s Possibilities

Alicia Mosier

One week after the terrorist attacks of September 11, I went to the ballet. I wasn’t looking…


Off Center

Damon Linker

Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity By Darrin M. McMahon Oxford…

Briefly Noted 40


The 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law. English translation and scholarly apparatus by Edward N. Peters. Ignatius.…

The Burdens of Language

Modris Eksteins

To Begin Where I Am: Selected Essays By Czeslaw Milosz Edited by Bogdana Carpenter and Madeline G.…

A Not-So-Radical Alternative

Charles L. Glenn

Kingdom of the Children: Culture and Controversy in the Homeschooling Movement by Mitchell L. Stevens Princeton University…

Case for the Prosecution

William D. Rubinstein

The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism By David L.…

The Churches and Israel

Eugene J. Fisher

Christian Attitudes Towards the State of Israel By Paul Charles Merkley McGill-Queen’s University Press, 266 pages, $44.95…


A Lesson in Hermeneutics

Paul Lake

In Kenya, vervet monkeys take the ground Until a sentry gives a chattering bark, Which in the…

On Giving Blood to the Red Cross

Richard Novak C.S.C.

Flow, blood; you are not me but I have known your intercourse since the crimson dawn of…


Leslie Goerner

The angels offered reprieve, escape for Lot’s entire household including almost-sons who having witnessed a divine defense…