Volume 128

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Pacifism Redux


A Musical Requiem

Michael Linton

Timing is everything. To complete his three-year tenure as composer-in-residence with the Pacific Symphony (an ensemble in…

Abortion in the Tides of Culture

Frederica Mathewes-Green

Where did the pro-life movement go? A half-dozen years ago movement activists were everywhere, drafting statements, holding…

To Beginning Law Students

Patrick McKinley Brennan

Regardless of what each of you has come to law school to do, allow me to suggest…

Halfway Through the Hail Mary

Randy Boyagoda

A Methodist friend of mine has always been puzzled by the emphasis Catholics place upon ready-made prayers.…

Celibacy in Context

Maximos Davies

It seems that the one thing everyone knows about the Eastern Churches is that “they have married…


Economics as Religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond

Fr. Robert A. Sirico

Economics, as a social science, occupies a peculiar space within academic and national life. Economists deal with…

What Is Ancient Philosophy?

Benjamin Balint

According to Pierre Hadot, a prominent historian of ancient thought and professor emeritus at the CollËge de…

Briefly Noted 48


After Aquinas: Versions of Thomism. By Fergus Kerr. Blackwell. 254 pp. $24.95 paper. “The problem with Thomism,”…

Separation of Church and State

Stephen F. Smith

During last year’s commencement exercises at the University of Virginia, every graduate received a fancy compendium of…

Eric Voegelin: The Restoration of Order

Glenn Tinder

First, the basics: born in Germany in 1901, Eric Voegelin received a doctorate in political science from…




Night falling early: silver in the duff, frosty small change, and in our maple, crows, calculating and…