Volume 205

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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American Cicero by Bradley J. Birzer

Stefan McDaniel

American Cicero: The Life of Charles Carroll by bradley j. birzer isi, 230 pages, $25 Bradley Birzer’s…

Cloud of Witnesses by George William Rutler

Nathaniel Peters

Cloud of Witnesses: Dead People I Knew When They Were Alive by george william rutler scepter, 172…

The Ides by Stephen Dando-Collins

Edward T. Oakes

The Ides: Caesar’s Murder and the War for Rome by stephen dando-collins john wiley & sons, 288…

Patron Saints for Postmoderns by Chris. R. Armstrong

James Poulos

Patron Saints for Postmoderns: Ten from the Past Who Speak to Our Future by chris r. armstrong…

Reasonable Faith by John Haldane

Ryan T. Anderson

Reasonable Faith by john haldane routledge, 224 pages, $39.95, paper In his 2004 book Faithful Reason, John…

The Social and Political Thought of Benedict XVI by Thomas R. Rourke

Ryan T. Anderson

The Social and Political Thought of Benedict XVI by thomas r. rourke lexington, 158 pages, $55 This…



Surviving Obamacare Joseph Bottum (“Bad Medicine,” May 2010) is too sanguine in his thoughts about what happens…


The Desert Fathers

Matthew Milliner

In 1995, when I was a college sophomore (in more ways than one), I drove from New…

Last Rites

Sara Hamdan

Lauren Zaleta limps out of the main dance studio of the Joffrey Ballet School in New York…

The God of the Mathematicians

David P. Goldman

Kurt Gödel was a believer—or, at least, a knower—whose engagement with God included a reworking of the…

A Proper Place

James McCrery

The Roman church of Sant’Agnese in Agone sits along the edge of the Piazza Novona. One of…

A Perfect Game

David Bentley Hart

In his later philosophy, Heidegger liked to indulge in eccentric etymologies because he was certain that there…

Through a Glass, Clearly

George Weigel

Over the past ninety years or so, the American debate about the national interest and the national…

A Richer Bible

R. R. Reno

The true Church of Christ teaches the gospel. The Bible is the sacred and canonical witness to…

The Signpost at the Crossroads

Joseph Bottum

You head down the road of public life in America, and you run up against religion. From…



Robert S. Miola

Contested Will:Who Wrote Shakespeare?by james shapirosimon & schuster, 339 pages, $26 The subtitle of James Shapiro’s lively new…

The Apologists

Lee Smith

The Flight of the Intellectuals by paul berman melville house, 304 pages, $26 Paul Berman’s 2003 book…

Why We Didn’t Overcome

Glenn C. Loury

Freedom Is Not Enough: The Moynihan Report and America’s Struggle over Black Family Life from LBJ to…

Pullman Sleeper

Joseph Bottum

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by philip pullman canongate, 256 pages, $24 Teenage sex…



Robert W. Crawford

This is a choice—it’s not a tragedy— And we exist to help you get it done. Why…

Saro’s Love Song

Joseph Bottum

In May 2010, the body of Zardasht Osman, a twenty-three-year-old journalist who wrote under the name “Saro…

The Seven Deadly Sins

Dana Gioia

Forget about the other six, says Pride. They’re only using you. Admittedly, Lust is a looker, but…

Reaping the Wind

Susan McLean

The giants swing their triple arms or poise, frozen like hazmat signs, on every hill: alien prayer…