Volume 155

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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September Letters


More on War Paul J. Griffith’s analogy of the “just war” with the procedure for licensing drivers…

Stem Cells and Babies

Maureen L. Condic

Positions on human embryonic stem-cell research tend to fall into two camps: Either anything goes, or nothing…

Against Eternal Youth

Frederica Mathewes-Green

I’m a fan of old movies, the black-and-whites from the 1930s and 1940s, in part because of…

Hitler’s Mufti

David G. Dalin

In his 2004 book The Return of Anti-Semitism, Gabriel Schoenfeld declared that “the ancient and modern strands…


Oz’s Israel

Shalom Carmy

A Tale of Love and Darkness by amos oz harcourt, 544 pp, $26 Just over forty years…

Briefly Noted 12


Salonica, City of Ghosts: Christians, Muslims, and Jews. By Mark Mazower. Knopf. 528 pp. $35. In 1430,…

Good History, Bad Argument

Janet E. Smith

Catholics and Contraception: An American History by Leslie Woodcock Tentler Cornell University Press 335 pp. $29.95 Leslie…

The “I” of Christ

Edward T. Oakes

Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy by John McGuckin St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press 430 pp.…

Nor Certitude, Nor Peace

Paul J. Griffiths

Saturday by Ian McEwan Doubleday, 304 pp., $26. Ian McEwan’s Saturday is his eighth novel, and perhaps…

A Durable Consolation

D.S. Oderberg

Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical by John Haldane Routledge, 288 pp. $34.95. paper. Contemporary Western philosophy…


Sundial in the Rain

Robert B. Shaw

Patiently waiting for the sun to rise, the dial seems more dutiful than wise: the sun, already…

To the Golden Gate Bridge

Moore Moran

In 1942 when I was ten and you were five, we got together Sundays as I’d head…