Volume 222

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Briefly Noted


The Words of Others: From Quotations to Culture by Gary Saul Morson Yale, 352 pages, $30 n…



Disorder & Diseased As Stanton Jones shows (“Same-Sex Science,” February), the position that “gay is good” is…

Evolution and Islam

James Hannam

Professor Steve Jones is having trouble with students cutting class. This isn’t something stellar professors like Jones,…

Bridging the Tiber

Thomas G. Guarino

Unsurprisingly, when in November 2009 the Holy See announced the establishment of personal ordinariates (similar to dioceses)…

A Dream For Our Political Season

David Bentley Hart

A former student recently asked me to recommend a classical text that he might read during the…

Against Erotic Entitlements

John Haldane

There is a general form of reasoning to which I shall give the name argumentum ad consummationem,…


Pornography and Acedia

Reinhard Hütter

A uniquely toxic combination of the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh has…

Man the Religious Animal

Christian Smith

Are human beings naturally religious? Should we take religion to be in some way an innate, instinctive,…

The Divine Music of Mathematics

David P. Goldman

It is consoling to think that the emotions that music arouses in us have something to do…

Do Not Rashly Tear Asunder

Thomas C. Oden

The struggle for the soul of the United Methodist Church has reached a decisive point. At every…

Relativism’s Moral Mission

R. R. Reno

In The Brothers Karamazov , the rationalist and unbelieving Ivan is visited by the devil, who lays…


Graveside Praise

Russell E. Saltzman

Preaching Death: The Transformation of Christian Funeral Sermons ? by Lucy Bregman? Baylor, 263 pages, $24.95 n…

Bodily Revulsions

Ian Marcus Corbin

The Meaning of Disgust by Colin McGinn Oxford, 264 pages, $35 n The eminent philosopher Colin McGinn…

America’s Smiling God

Peter L. Berger

When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God ?by T. M. Luhrmann Knopf, 464…

On Two Moons and a Prayer

Randy Boyagoda

1Q84 by haruki murakami, translated by jay rubin and philip gabrielknopf, 944 pages, $30.50 Much to my…

The Sacrifices of War

Eric Cohen

War and the American Difference: Theological Reflections on Violence and National Identity ? by Stanley Hauerwas Baker…



Jean de La Ceppède (translated from the French by Susan McLean)

A crimson surcoat aptly suits victorious kings. This royal victor, as a joke, is clothed by mocking…

Salting David Livingstone, 1873

Brian Doyle

He was, you know. Dried out and salted down By men who had carried his stuff all…

I Come to the Garden

Gail White

I can name so few flowers. This is why I’m not a better poet. Shakespeare knew oxlip…


Daniel Leonard

On the verge of the unthinkable, the iceberg turns unsinkable to the hull. The buoying force of…

After the Mighty Gods Depart

Joanna Pearson

They do not always hear our special plea, the lame gods”Deaf-In-One-Ear, Old Hobbled-Knee, that sooty lug the…