Volume 122

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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Dostoevsky and Rome


Copyright (c) 2002 First Things 122 (April 2002): 2-7. Dostoevsky and Rome I enjoyed Rodney Delasanta’s “…

Pluralism and the Catholic University

Alan Charles Kors

The decline of Catholic higher education in our country should concern all Americans, regardless of their religious…

Let Us Pray

James Nuechterlein

Regular readers will recall that I have, from time to time, had occasion to remark on the…

Huxley’s Hucksters

Mark Gauvreau Judge

The Guggenheim museum recently announced the finalists for the Hugo Boss prize, which is worth $50,000 and…


The Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism and The Monks of Tibhirine: Faith, Love, and Terror in Algeria

Andrew J. Bacevich

Abdulaziz Sachedina is a man with a mission. He is determined to demonstrate that when it comes…

Briefly Noted 42


Fascism and Communism. By François Furet and Ernst Nolte. Translated by Katherine Golsan, with a preface by…

Progress and Religion

Gerald J. Russello

Not so long ago, before the dot“com bubble“burst and the September 11 terrorist attack, it seemed as…

Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650–1750

Edward T. Oakes

Enlightenment“bashing, it would seem, is “in.” If anything could unite the discordant voices inside the cacophony of…

Love and Terror in the God Encounter: The Theological Legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Eliyahu E. Stern

In recent years, sociologists, historians, and cultural theorists have documented the struggle over the identity of American…

The Jesuit Enigma

Avery Cardinal Dulles

Passionate Uncertainty:Inside the American Jesuitsby peter mcdonough and eugene c. bianchiuniversity of california press, 380 pages, $29.95…




Copyright (c) 2002 First Things 122 (April 2002): 7, 9, 20. The Slender Girl The morning slipping…