Volume 112

America’s Most Influential Journal of Religion and Public Life

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How Successful is Sociobiology?


Tom Bethell (“ Against Sociobiology,” January ) is to be commended for pointing out the fatal flaw…

Edward T. Oakes and His Critics: An Exchange


I am glad that First Things asked Edward T. Oakes to review my book The Wedge of…

Critical Thinking Prohibited

Jr. Edward McGlynn Gaffney

Federal courts in Louisiana recently reached the conclusion that too much thinking about the difficult issues involved…

Managed by Care

Nancy L. Harvey

The year was 1962. My sister was eagerly preparing for the brave new world of junior high.…

Conflicts Foreign and Domestic

James Nuechterlein

Among my earliest political memories are the debates I had as a young teenager with my father…

The First Freedom Under Siege

Paul Marshall

Worldwide, religious freedom is deteriorating. A world is a difficult thing to summarize, but the trend shows…


A Candid Word About An Untold Story

Richard John Neuhaus

A hundred and seventy one thousand is a lot of people. That is how many adults came…


Under His Very Windows: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy

Kevin M. Doyle

The story of Occupied Rome has never dovetailed well with the portrait of Pius XII as indifferent…

Calvin: A Biography

T. M. Moore

Bernard Cottret’s Calvin: A Biography is the fifth in a spate of English“language biographies of the Geneva…

The Waning of the Renaissance, ca. 1550–1640

Robert Royal

In the usual historiography, the development of the West, like Caesar’s Gaul, is divided into three parts.…

The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century

Alicia Mosier

In the best that has been thought and said about the twentieth century, its Christian martyrs have…

Briefly Noted


On Karol Wojtyla . By Peter Simpson. Wadsworth. 92 pp. $13.95 paper. This short book provides an…

By Nature Equal

Robert T. Miller

By Nature Equal is a bold and original book. Both authors are law professors”Coons at Boalt Hall…




Ingathering my frail smocked son he says: don’t squeeze. Absolution by poison has made him into papier…