Common Cause

When Solomon was born, birds came soaring,
waddling, swimming, flapping around the air.
They cheeped and honked to celebrate the day;
a few chipped in to give him a layette—
eiderdown, eggs, and less-appetizing things.

Ad hoc solidarity to honor
David’s gilt- and purple-bundled heir:
pterosaur, canary, cassowary,
hummingbirds flanked by a pair of penguins sweating
fishily—everyone who could fly was there.

They waited—jostled—shoved at the nursery door—
brawled, guano flying; everywhere
blood, owl pellets, drifts of white duvet,
gamboge splots of yolk on the baby’s blanket.
All they had in common was their wings.

—Deborah Warren


Killing Time

Matthew Rose

On October 29, 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre delivered his lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism,” a declaration of independence…

Why Women Cannot Be Deacons

James Keating

Much has recently been written about the possibility of the Church sacramentally ordaining women to the diaconate.…

What Protestants Get Wrong About the Epistle to the Hebrews

Peter J. Leithart

The Epistle to the Hebrews proclaims the superiority of the new to the old, the second to…