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Real Persons

John F. Crosby

How to Know a Person:The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by david brooksrandom house, 320 pages, $30 David Brooks, an opinion columnist at the New York...

Lady Scrooges

Rhys Laverty

I noticed it last Christmas: It’s the women who really hate Ebenezer Scrooge. In the opening scene of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, the main victims of Scrooge’s scorn are his...

Let God

Liel Leibovitz

I’m a great lover of the English language, but I must confess that, lately, I’ve come to dread three words in particular. You hear them everywhere—at dinner, at the...

Resist the Conception Machine

Michael Hanby

The almost complete lack of reflection on the normalization of assisted reproductive technologies for producing children is a telling sign of the unseriousness of our age. The transformation of...

Modernity’s Self-Destruct Button

Louise Perry

All politics is local, as they say. And so, before we proceed to the big question of this essay—Can modernity survive for much longer?—I want to start with a...

Overcoming Theological Amnesia

Michael Root

Ressourcement. It’s a French word that means “resourcing”—or, better, “re-sourcing.” As a term in theology, it calls for renewal based on a return to richer, more original sources, especially...

Mere Christendom

R. R. Reno

Douglas Wilson argues for what ought to be uncontroversial: governance by wise Christians. He calls it “mere Christendom” in a recent book by that name, described as democratic politics in a constitutional...

The Less You Know

Ephraim Radner

There’s a car mechanic I have known for years. Ed knew my father and worked on his cars; he knows me and my cars; he knows my wife; he...


Not with the myth and phosphorus of metaphor. Notwith lines of force looped in true-love knots.Not by dumping the urn and reading the ashes. Notthrough sonic wantonness, but not...

Spontaneous Loss

Those early weeks, you could have been anyone,   Too young for fingerprints, much less a name,And years away from our first catch-and-toss—   A little flesh and blood, no brain,...

Changing God’s Mind

Michael C. Legaspi

The Widening of God’s Mercy:Sexuality Within the Biblical Story by christopher b. hays and richard b. haysyale university, 288 pages, $28 Over the course of a long and fruitful...

Ready for Weirdness

Matthew B. Crawford

Living in Wonder:Finding Mystery and Meaning in a Secular Age by rod dreherzondervan, 288 pages, $29.99 Is life worth living? “It depends on the liver.” Thus did William James...

Disintegrating England

Richard Rex

The English Soul:Faith of a Nation by peter ackroydreaktion books, 416 pages, $30 Peter Ackroyd is a major figure in contemporary English letters, a fluent and pleasing writer with...

Solidarity About Nothing

Robert Bellafiore

Democracy and Solidarity:On the Cultural Roots of America’s Political Crisis by james davison hunteryale university, 504 pages, $40 For the last few decades, James Davison Hunter has eloquently chronicled...

Letters – December 2024


Still Breathing I appreciated Matthew Burdette’s insights into “Progressive Supersessionism” (October 2024), drawing out continuities between today’s anti-theological progressive claim to supersede traditional religion and culture and that movement’s...

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