Where are words when not yet spoken:
on the tongue,
in the mind,
perhaps in air,
Their meanings, more elusive
still, unbreathed await
though I have heard
in the beginning was the word.
Mutes and dentals shape the air
that tongue addresses to the ear:
speech is the mystery we hear.
Animals are dumb,
their braying, chirp, and bark
a mere semblance of speech,
lacking that shared spark
when speaker and hearer commune
like hands that meet at noon.
Killing Time
On October 29, 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre delivered his lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism,” a declaration of independence…
Why Women Cannot Be Deacons
Much has recently been written about the possibility of the Church sacramentally ordaining women to the diaconate.…
What Protestants Get Wrong About the Epistle to the Hebrews
The Epistle to the Hebrews proclaims the superiority of the new to the old, the second to…